ExerciseNutritionTrainers 3 Things That Hold You Back From Your Fitness Progress

fitness progress

Everyone wants to make progress as quickly as possible right?

You can waste a lot of time like I did, or you can reach your goals faster, by working smarter, not harder. Below are three things that could be holding you back from the fitness progress you are looking to see.

Number One: Not Sticking to a Workout Split or Following Random Online Workouts

People usually use random Instagram workouts for clickbait and do not incorporate progressive overload. Changing up your workouts too soon does not hold the structure to gain results you are digging for. You need a structured program that you follow consistently for at least 6 – 8 weeks.

Number Two: Eating Intuitively or Not Tracking Macros

This one might ruffle some feathers, but this is my take on it. For those not seeing progress that you are trying for, and not tracking what you are consuming. How do you know, what you are actually taking in?

The answer is YOU DON’T.

Something so simple could save you so much heartache, headache, and stomachache. My personal problem for the longest time was not eating enough. My metabolism was not fired up, it was holding onto everything it could, because I wasn’t feeding in the nutrients and fuel it needed. Tracking your macros only allows you to make progress faster, and you will be better equipped along your journey. When we know exactly what we are consuming, our goals become streamlined.

Number Three: Not Having a Coach

We think we can do it on our own. There is so much free information available to start you out and keep you going… right? Maybe too much. Does all this information overwhelm you? I know I was. Which information is correct for me and my goals? One person I follow said the opposite of this article, which is right? When you have a coach, everything is made for you.

Those uncertainties can be put to ease. You can spend your time on other duties instead of searching up workouts to follow, or how much protein should I be taking in? You have accountability from a coach.

When you hire a coach, this is another reason you won’t throw in the towel so easily, due to investing your money into the matter. You will take it as seriously hopefully, as they take it being their job. Your coach is there to look at you objectively without emotions like you may when you look at yourself.

A coach is there because they’ve been through it all already, and can help you, get to where you want to be, without the nonsense of doing it all on your own. I would not have made the amount of progress I have made in this amount of time, without my coach. Your coach is your teacher, mentor, friend, comrade, straight shooter, and cheerleader. A bond where they feel everything you feel on the hardest days and the best of days. A relationship that starts up quickly and grows with you. Someone you vibe with and trust. Your coach is your person. These relationships are some of the most meaningful, impacting, and special relationships you can have in a lifetime.

I am ready to help others start making strides in their progress. Shoot me a message or email me at [email protected]. I will send you a price list of options and we can hop on a call together, to see if we would make a good team. Let’s start feeling better!


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