Consistency is a valuable tool in achieving success, especially when it comes to fitness goals. Having a consistent routine and sticking to it helps you stay focused and on-track. It also helps you build good habits and discipline which can help you reach your desired outcome.
Here are three ways to help you increase your workout consistency:
Schedule your workouts
When you schedule your workouts, they become more routine. They become much like anything else you do every day. You don’t have to workout 7 days a week, start small with 2-3 days a week and build off of that once you build that habit. The more your workout routine becomes part of your normal day, the more consistent you will be.
Follow a plan
There’s nothing worse than feeling like you are wasting time. Having a workout plan provides you with structure so that you aren’t wondering what to do. Workout programs tell you which exercise to do, how to do the exercise, how many reps, how many sets, etc. Everything is laid out for you in one place.
Set small achievable goals
When setting goals, start with something more manageable and more attainable in mind, you are more likely to stick with it. A smaller, achievable goal, such as going to the gym twice a week, is more realistic than setting the goal to go to the gym every single day when you are just starting your journey. If you set an overwhelming goal, it can cause a drop in your confidence and motivation, making you less likely to stick to it, but when you set and achieve small goals, it keeps motivation high and makes you want to keep coming back for more.
It’s important to remember that progress doesn’t happen overnight, but by following these tips, you can increase your workout consistency and reach your fitness goals!