Exercise 5 Realistic Exercise Tips for Busy Moms

5 Realistic Exercise Tips for Busy Moms to Reclaim Their Routine

Mom running around the playground while kids play to keep active

Hey, fellow busy moms! As a homeschooling mom of 6 with chronic conditions, I know how challenging it can be to find time for exercise. Balancing our hectic schedules and endless responsibilities makes it tough, but exercise for busy moms is essential for our well-being.

But guess what? It IS possible to carve out time for fitness, even with the kids in tow.

All it takes is a little planning, creativity, and a shift in mindset. The important thing is to keep moving, no matter where or how we do it! Give yourself grace. This isn’t a “just do it at all costs” attitude. But it does take some reframing and commitment while giving yourself grace for the barriers you cannot change.

1. Make It a Family Affair

Instead of trying to find time for exercise away from my kids, I involve them in my workout routine. We turn on some music and have a dance party in the living room, go for a family bike ride, or play a game of tag in the backyard. Not only do I get my heart pumping, but I’m also setting a positive example for my children. Kids can also do light resistance training so don’t be afraid to allow them to strength train with you.

2. Multitask Like a Pro

With a little creativity, I can sneak in exercise while completing my daily tasks. I try doing squats while brushing my teeth, lunges while cooking dinner, or calf raises while washing dishes. These small bursts of activity can add up throughout the day. It is not exercise per se that will lead to pumped shoulders, but it is a way to keep my mind ready and prepared and my energy up. Movement begets movement.

3. Embrace the Power of Short Workouts

I don’t need to spend hours in the gym to see results. Short, intense workouts can be just as effective. I look for quick workout videos online or create my own circuit using bodyweight exercises. I aim for 15-30 minutes of high-intensity exercise a few times a week. And in the morning, I usually take a walk break for additional Vitamin D and to make my step goals.

4. Prioritize Self-Care

Although it’s easy to put my own needs last when I’m a mom, taking care of myself is crucial for my overall well-being. Scheduling time for exercise is as important as any other appointment. It’s treated as non-negotiable “me time,” essential for health and happiness. By marking myself unavailable on calendars and socials, I ensure there are no excuses in my mind or schedule.

5. Find Your Community

I surround myself with like-minded women who understand the challenges of balancing motherhood and fitness. I joined a local yoga group, and have an online community for support, accountability, and motivation. Knowing that I’m not alone in my journey can make all the difference. Studies show having friends on this same journey leads to success. Connecting with a community is among the most valuable exercise tips for busy moms who want to stay motivated.

Remember: every little bit counts when it comes to staying active.

So whether you’re dancing in the kitchen, doing squats in the living room, or going for a jog with the stroller, just keep moving! Your body and mind will thank you.

Heather Horrell – Personal Trainer


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