I would like to start the New Year by sharing my 5 tips towards starting your fitness routine (and sticking with it!)
1. Have a Goal!
Yes, this is obvious, but you would be surprised how many people will blindly follow a workout routine because that’s what their friend or co-worker does, or they saw a glitzy ad on social media and now they are out $199.99 and don’t realize what they just invested in. Once you set a tangible goal (build strength, increase mobility, etc.) you can start the planning towards reaching your goal.
2. Know Your “Why”
Clearly this is important because this is the key component of your goal. Why is the goal important to you? Is it related to health (addressing diabetes), or socially related (you want to get into a smaller dress for your class reunion)? Once you understand your “why” and its importance, it will provide the motivation to keep moving forward.
3. Have a Support Network
Let’s face it, fitness goals and regimens are not fun for many people; they either dread it or a bad experience in the past has soured them on exercise or being fit in general. I can’t emphasize how important it is to have someone have your back during this journey. This could be your family (spouse, kids, significant other), friends, or even your fellow gym members (Zumba class, Spin class, CrossFit ,etc.) or even a fitness coach.
Have others cheer you on; the power of positive reinforcement is priceless!
4. Don’t Get Obsessed with Eating
What you eat is a big part (if not the most important component ) of your health. However, this becomes an obsession with many people as they either become ultra-strict (don’t eat enough), ultra fanatical (count every single calorie) or suffer a relapse (go back to old eating habits due to binge eating in Vegas on a bad weekend, etc.). Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Just be consistent the majority of the time and everything will balance out.
5. Set (and reset) Your Goals and Timelines
You’ll get your biggest victories starting with easily attainable goals that you can build upon. For example, if you have been sedentary for years and decide you want to start an exercise regimen, better to start with “I will walk 15 min a day 3x a week for 2 weeks”. Also, this will be much more attainable and successful than “I will go to the gym 6 times a week”. You can build upon the former; the latter gives you virtually no wiggle room and will definitely burn you out.
Stick with these 5 tips and you’ll be well on your way towards fitness success!
I hope you find this information helpful for your fitness routine!
OG Fitness and Personal Training