Exercise Barbell Complexes

Anybody that’s ever made friends with a barbell complex will tell you how they can be a mix of ultimate heaven and hell. They are hard and they will make you tough!

Barbell complexes will help create increases in muscle (provided a diet supporting muscle gain is being utilised).

Barbell complexes

Below I will provide my favourite barbell complexes and what they have done for me:

Confidence over head – 1 snatch, 1 hang power snatch, 1 O/H squat, 1 snatch balance
Click here to see!

Grip strength (use an axle) – 5 deadlifts, 4 hang power cleans, 3 push press, 2 push jerk

Increase leg size – 6 deadlifts, 8 hang clean, 10 front squat, 20 back squat  (This burns!)

If you have any questions surrounding complexes message me at any stage. If you want to give any of these a go, do it and post how you went.

Keep training hard team!


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