Nutrition Proteins, Carbs and Fats. How Much Your Daily Nutritional Intake Should Be

daily nutritional intake

A few standard tips on how much your daily nutritional intake should be!

The global epidemic of obesity is driven by an environment that encourages overeating & discourages physical activity despite being one of the most major preventable causes of morbidity and mortality in The United States.

Read that again.

Obesity has a direct link to several negative health conditions including coronary heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, a greater risk of certain cancers, depression and decreased quality of life.

While physical activity has proven to reduce the risk of said chronic illnesses it is also important to watch what we place into our bodies. Once you consume the food, it is mechanically digested and moved through the digestive tract. Nutrients are then transported through the gut and the blood, where they are distributed throughout the body.

Proper nutritional intake paired with physical activity & a significant change will begin to occur in your daily lifestyle.

Here’s a few standard tips on what you need and how much your daily nutritional intake should be!


 *Primary function is to build and repair body tissues and structures.*

For those pursuing body fat reduction, body fat loss goals require you to maintain a caloric deficit until you reach that goal. Amino Acids (protein) is used to assist in energy production.

10-35% of your caloric intake needs to come from protein.

Complex Carbohydrates

Such as whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Should constitute the majority of calories because of their nutrient nature when one is attempting fat loss or muscle gain.

45-65% will provide sufficient food volume and fuel necessary for energy and productive workouts.
Recommended to consume high carbohydrate meals 2-4 hours before exercising.
You should consume smaller meals closer to the exercise session
38Grams of Fiber DAILY

Lipids (Fat)

In addition to providing energy fats act as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Vitamin D aids in absorption of calcium.

Recommended daily guidelines: 20 to 35% of total calories.


The importance of proper hydrations is huge. The body cannot adapt to dehydrations, which impairs every physiologic function.

Consumer 14-22oz of fluid 2hours before exercise
Drink 6 to 12oz of fluid every 15-20 minutes of exercise
Ingest 16-24 ounces of fluid for every pound of body weight lost after exercise bout.


  • Make small decreases in food and beverage calories and increase physical activity.

  • Distribute protein, carbohydrate, and fat throughout the day at each meal.

  • Consume less than 10% of calories from saturated fat

  • Choose whole grains and fiber rich fruits and vegetables over refined grains and simple sugars (fiber and complexity of starch will aid in hunger control.

  • 4-6 meals per day. Helps control hunger, increase energy levels.

  • Avoid empty calories and highly processed foods

  • Drink plenty of water (9-13 cups)


  • Eat 4-6 meals per day.

  • Spread Protein throughout the day.

  • Ingestion of protein and carbohydrates after a workout will increase recovery and protein synthesis which helps to maximize gains. Most easily accomplished with liquid meal replacement.

  • Do not neglect the importance of carbohydrates and fat. It takes more than protein to increase lean body mass.

Remember the more you know, the more you grow and there’s plenty of room to do that here!

T.T.G Fitness

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