Find your fitness solutions. Find your Fix Matrix!
I created this chart I call the Find your Fix Matrix and it really is to give fitness solutions to some of the most common challenges I’ve seen my clients face.
So, take a look and see if any could help you realize what options you have available!
Nutrition Challenges
Common Challenges How to Solve Common Challenges
Unsupportive Environment
- Find a community to support you in your journey
- An alliance with like minded people
- A trainer / partner
Family/Peer Pressure
- A strong “why” not just “I want to lose my stomach” but more “I want to be in shape and healthy so I can look and feel better”
- Self conviction
- An alliance with like minded people
Dislike Cooking / Don’t know how to cook
- Learn easy recipes
- Find restaurants that align with your goals (chipotle, wawa, etc.)
- Meal prep Delivery ( Fit prep Meals, Blue apron)
Don’t know what I should eat
- Check the “ I know what to Eat” Guide
- Download the 52 High Protein Recipes –
- Find Low Calorie or High Protein options to foods you love
Wine / alcohol
- Reduce intake slightly
- 1 glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away
- Moderation is key
- Hydrate often
No time to prepare meals
- Meal Prep Delivery (Fit Prep Meals, Blue apron)
- Find restaurants that align with your goals (chipotle, wawa, etc.)
- Spend 1-3 minutes in the morning going over what you want to eat in the morning
Large Portions
- Have a large portion of vegetables and fruits
- Hydrate more throughout the day with low calorie drinks or water
- Break meals up throughout the day eat 3-5 times
- Plan ahead and portion each meals with Macros
Eating Out Frequently
- Choose better places to eat
- Ensure your food is nutritious and helps you accomplish your goals
- Don’t eat as much the morning or lunch of and save your appetite and calories for eating out
Sweet Tooth
- It will diminish over time to not be as rigorous once you adhere to eating nutritious meals
- Find healthy alternatives
- Eat more frequently
Eating Quickly
- The honest answer is to slow down
- Enjoy the foods you eat. Add some water to the mix or a Low Calorie alternative
Snacking when not hungry & Cravings
- Normally happens when bored, emotionally distressed, possibly in social settings
- Recognize your triggers (Watching tv on the couch, having a bad day, Out with friends) Create a plan to avoid
- Don’t make bad foods readily available
Lack of Planning
- Message your coach
- Talk to the community about your current struggles
Emotional Eating
- Not something easily fixed
- Apart of a bigger mental problem
- Have an honest conversation with yourself about what you are capable of handling
- Get more full from current meals
- Low Calorie Snack options
- Hydration
- Become an emotional exerciser