Lifestyle Self-Love

Self-love, what do you think it is?

Many people believe that practicing self-love is egocentric and selfish, but the truth is, it’s not about looking at yourself in the mirror every day or constantly thinking about how great you are, even if you’re not.

Self-love is about defining who you are and what you want in life. It’s about being clear that there are things you will have to sacrifice and others that you will have to work hard for to achieve your ultimate goal, which will bring you true happiness. Loving yourself means being committed to this process every day through the actions you take, understanding that the sacrifices you make today will be rewarded tomorrow in your life and those around you. Self-love is about speaking to yourself positively and believing that you deserve everything you want and manifesting it in your life. Loving yourself is about being disciplined, making the right decisions even when they may not be the ones you want to make in the moment, but knowing they will lead you to where you want to be.

Be aware of daily distractions

Don’t let daily distractions interfere with your vision for life. Many times, I see people, and I have made the mistake myself, of confusing momentary rewards as expressions of self-love, only to realize they are pushing us further away from our big goals. Loving yourself is a constant daily decision, and the only way to achieve it is by having a clear consciousness of the path you want to follow, so you avoid making mistakes that make you lose your way and vision in life.

Self-love is telling yourself, “Hey, I know that pizza looks delicious and tempting right now, but you know what? I love you too much to let you eat it because I know it will make you feel bad later and also take you further away from your goal.” Self-love is saying to yourself, “I understand that you want to go out tonight with your friends and think you need to relax, but I love you too much to let you go because you need to stay and study for that exam that will allow you to graduate this year and have that degree you’ve been working so hard for.” Self-love is telling yourself, “I know it’s raining and you want to stay in bed, but you need to get up and go to your workout.” Self-love is saying, “I know you want to be with your children day and night because you think they need you, but the truth is, they will be fine for a couple of hours with their dad, and you need some time for yourself to take care of yourself and think about your own needs so you don’t feel lost or aimless.”

It’s all about balance!

Balance is key. Keep open time for both what you must do and what you want to do, but don’t make decisions that will ultimately result in a physical, emotional, and mental imbalance in your life. Self-love is about taking care of yourself and being in a constant mental state of love for yourself and your purpose, which prevents you from going in the wrong direction and losing yourself.mindfulness meditation

Always love to share all the thought that I went to during my process….  Andrea


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