Lifestyle Boosting Your Self-Confidence and Improving Your Body Image


Tips for Boosting Your Self-Confidence

Living with low self-confidence and struggling with body image can be challenging, impacting various aspects of your life. The journey to change may seem daunting, but remember, you are NOT alone in this. 

Below we delve into what can create low self-confidence and struggles with body image. Along with giving you the tips and tricks that I’ve used in the past for actionable steps to a more confident and positive person. 

The struggles: 

Daily self-talk:

A lot of us can’t help but have that little niggle in our heads that negatively talks to us, which in turn affects our self-confidence and perception of our body. 

This could be down to past experiences, criticism from a loved one, friend, or someone random. 

Or in this day and age, it could be the societal expectations that have shaped an internal narrative, which causes us to have self-doubt. 

In order to break these cycles, recognizing these is the first step. 


It’s easy for us, especially in the world of social media. All you have to do is swipe on Instagram and see a chisel 6 pack made easy by just drinking lemon water, or an influencer showing off their amazing 1 exercise glute workout. 

This has led to society having the inclination to compare ourselves to others, it is certainly easy to do so that’s for sure, and that’s me talking from experience, as I have been trapped in the wormhole of comparison. 

Fear of judgment:

One that could easily be paired with the last two points, a lot of us who have self-doubt, and low confidence can easily think others would judge us by the way we are, the way we dress, or the way we do things. 

This can often originate from societal pressures, cultural expectations, or just past instances of criticism that we may have experienced. 

If we can understand these influences they can help empower each and every one of us to help redefine what our worth is and how great we actually are, because that’s what is so unique, we are all individuals, and by being different you are truly being awesome. 

Lack of self-care: 

This can be driven, by all of the last points that we have made. With self-doubt, low confidence, and the thought of what others think of us. Causes a slight external obligation over our personal wellbeing. Being able to identify these beliefs is crucial for helping you towards a positive change. 

With a few of the struggles covered previously, it’s easy to see why we may feel low confidence, doubt ourselves, and have body image issues. 

After now knowing what may be causing or aiding the feelings you may be having. 

Here are some insights that you can take on each day to help towards empowering change: 

Positive affirmations: 

It’s easy for us to keep the negative talk, but transform and change negative self-talk into intentional positive affirmations. These affirmations serve as a powerful tool to counterbalance historical self-perceptions, gradually over time reshaping our own mindsets. 

For example: 
  • I believe in my abilities and embrace challenges with confidence. 
  • Every day, I am becoming a more confident and empowered version of myself 
  • I trust myself and my decisions. I am capable of achieving my goals. 
Body image 
  • I appreciate and love my body for all that it does for me 
  • My body is unique, I am able to celebrate its strength and resilience. 


  • I am deserving of love and kindness, especially from myself 
  • I choose to treat myself with respect and nurture my well-being 

Mindful practices: 

This can include many things that we see as mindful practices. This could include having time each day to do some meditation along with some mindful breathing, this can offer individuals the space to detach from external pressures that we may face on a day-to-day basis, and allow us to reconnect. 

This can lead to building more confidence and fostering a positive self-image. 

A nature walk is also a good way, allowing you to pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells that are around you. Allowing your senses to engage fully, and be present in the current moment. 

Gratitude Journalling is another well-spoken topic. Try to write down 3 things that you are grateful for at the start or end of each day. This practice will help shift your focus to a more positive aspect that’s currently in your life. 

Digital detox.  I know it’s easier said than done. As the world now revolves around everything digital a lot of us thinking (myself included) what am I going to do, I need to see my emails, reply or call about this and that, or just mindfully scrolling on social media. Setting aside a dedicated time each day to disconnect from everything digital. Use this time for activities like reading, drawing, or simply enjoying quiet moments without distractions. 

This can also be easily paired with nature walks. 

Setting Realistic goals: 

Seems to be an obvious one that everyone can relate to. This allows us to shift our focus from external expectations to personal growth. By allowing ourselves to celebrate the small victories, we then build a sense of accomplishment and self-validation, which in turn contributes to increased confidence. 

Surrounding ourselves with positivity: 

Sounds a bit cliche doesn’t it? But if we can create a positive supportive environment, we have to first identify the toxic influences and actively seek positive connections. 

Ensuring that we are engaging with individuals who are going to be uplifting, whether this is in person or online, allows for engagement and can bring a sense of belonging to individuals. 

Self-care routine: 

Sounds a bit demanding doesn’t it, as we should already have a self-care routine surely? 

But around this topic, a lot of people can say that self-care is selfish…. 

It requires acknowledging the importance of personal well-being. If we can establish a self-care routine/ritual, whether that’s a daily walk, reading a new book, or just a simple pampering session, this allows for communicating self-worth and challenges societal norms. 

Physical activity: 

I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but understanding the positive impact that physical activity can have on our mental health and our body image is like no other feeling. Exercise certainty becomes a tool for many to feel empowered, allowing individuals to appreciate their bodies for what they can achieve rather than allowing for societal expectations. 

Empowering your journey: 

By addressing the root of the causes that we struggle with on a day-to-day basis with self-confidence and body image, individuals like yourself can embark on a transformative journey towards positivity. 

Recognizing these struggles are deeply rooted but not insurmountable. 

If you are ready to explore personalized empowerment and improve your self-confidence and body image, drop me a DM with the word INSIGHT, and get you feeling the most confident in your own skin and a body image you can be proud of. 


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