Exercise Train Like a Lady: A Guide to Training With the Menstrual Cycle

menstrual cycle training

A Guide to Training with the Menstrual Cycle

Women are unique, complex, and powerful, and our bodies are no different. Our training should reflect this. So let’s delve into how we can train smarter, not harder, by aligning our fitness routines with our menstrual cycle.

This article lays out a guide to training with the menstrual cycle, focusing on how to tackle your workouts during each phase of the cycle.


This is the phase of the cycle when your body is producing less estrogen and progesterone. This hormonal shift may cause a lack of energy and motivation. But remember, it’s okay to hurt, just keep moving. The key here is to focus on mobility and flexibility. Low intensity workouts will serve as a gentle way to keep your body moving without adding undue stress. Use your challenge app to do the bodyweight and recovery sessions. This is a time for self-care and gentle movement, so listen to your body and move in ways that feel good.

Follicular Phase

Next up is the follicular phase. As estrogen levels begin to rise, you’ll notice a boost in energy. This is the perfect time to amp up your workouts. The focus here is on higher intensity workouts, cardio and conditioning. Put your energy in your workout. This is the best time for cardio! We’ll see you on Mondays and Wednesdays, ready to sweat and push your limits.


During ovulation, your testosterone level peaks, which contributes to increased strength and energy. This is the time to focus on progressive overload, max strength and power training, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Your mentality during this time should be “I am unstoppable”. All resistance days but Thursdays are a must! Embrace your inner power and push yourself to new limits.

Luteal Phase

The last phase is the luteal phase. As progesterone rises, energy levels begin to fall and PMS symptoms may start to arise. The focus during this phase should be to begin to decrease workout intensity. Focus on mobility, core and lighter impact lifts. Your mentality during this phase should be “I am not how I feel. I will listen to my body and work with it.” Hybrid workouts will be your friend. Pre-book for Fridays and Saturdays to ensure you’re staying active while also honoring the physical changes your body is undergoing.

Every woman’s body is unique, and every cycle is different. So remember to listen to your body, adjust as needed, and most importantly, be gentle with yourself.

Happy training!

Sculpted By Jaz

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