In case we forget, working out isn’t only about appearance. Not everyone has the same goals when it comes to their health...
Steps, kilometers or miles, METs or watts, moderate or vigorous, the list can get longer depending on the technology...
Are you a victim of modern culture that makes things so comfortable we are no longer able to move anywhere near our...
If you’re working at a desk, driving, enjoy watching tv from the sofa chances are that back pain is not new to you....
Also, a squat is a squat: A Simple Movement Philosophy By Kristian Martorana There are hundreds of different variations of...
I’ve been a parent for eight years and a lot of things have changed in that time. My hair has “racing stripes,&...
Know your workout intensity level. Always start out slow than make progress. Your safety is the most important aspect of...
Intensity Can you honestly say your workouts are intense? Do you walk out of the gym knowing you have put your heart and...
When should you do cardio? This is a question I get a lot. This is a great question because it implies that my client is...