Setting goals may be one of the most important steps to take when you decide to start your fitness journey. And it may be...
Your goal is to burn fat and build muscle! We all go to the gym with the mindset to reach our goals. As you’re...
Lots of trainers have different opinions on things in the fitness world, whether or not we need proper shoelaces for our...
I am often asked by many of my clients, ‘which is the best way to lose weight?’ Although there is no comprehensive...
Are you stuck in a workout “rut’? Looking for a way to improve your training but not sure where to start? If...
Example of (Mid-Upper Back A.K.A .traps) Lean on back positioning foam roller between shoulder blades, roll by raising hips...
Here we are in Spring, a pivotal time where people have either seen success with their fitness goals or are ready to jump...
Planks: The Lies and Conspiracies Every single one of my in-person clients gets a complimentary session. Most of these...
I always get asked: “If training a muscle group twice a week, should it be one heavy, one light or two medium?...