Have you ever experienced the state of Flow in your life? Where you feel completely involved, focused and concentrated on...
This last week I was reminded by a lovely client that #weighthappens. Much like the popular hashtag #SH!$happens, part of...
Each weight training session generally begins with the main lifts after a warm up. After the completion of however many...
According to statistics, 5% of the world’s population is affected by diabetes. In Western Europe alone, 12 million people...
If you were to go up to a random person in the gym and ask them what the best way to lose fat is, chances are the answer&...
I’ve written about what the gym has taught me about writing for my publisher’s website: I wrote about...
With health and wellness on the rise, more people are turning to fitness & nutrition than ever! This is WONDERFUL, but...
Athleticism is the development of a well-rounded athlete. Athleticism training consists mainly of 9 Skills: Strength...
Hope you had great holidays savages! Hope everyone has finished the year strong, as a happier, healthier, stronger...