It’s Functional... One of the biggest fads of recent has been the growth of wanting to do “functional training”. ...
We all know, that when people think of losing weight, they think the number one fat loss regimen MUST involve a cardio...
Have you ever experienced the state of Flow in your life? Where you feel completely involved, focused and concentrated on...
This last week I was reminded by a lovely client that #weighthappens. Much like the popular hashtag #SH!$happens, part of...
Each weight training session generally begins with the main lifts after a warm up. After the completion of however many...
According to statistics, 5% of the world’s population is affected by diabetes. In Western Europe alone, 12 million people...
If you were to go up to a random person in the gym and ask them what the best way to lose fat is, chances are the answer&...
I’ve written about what the gym has taught me about writing for my publisher’s website: I wrote about...
With health and wellness on the rise, more people are turning to fitness & nutrition than ever! This is WONDERFUL, but...