Now the season is over it’s time to get focused on your future! Preparation is always the key to success. Think about...
Exercise to get an effect. Know your Training Heart Rate (THR) and keep track of it! The most important factor for...
Do you exercise with purpose and controlled muscle actions or are you just going through the motions? I know you’re...
Functional Training One will build joint stability and flexibility in their wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and...
There are plenty of reasons to start strength training as it has numerous benefits, from fat loss to injury prevention....
Function and functional exercise has without a doubt become the most over used words in fitness circles to date. Doing...
Everyone talks about the health benefits of cardio. Few realize that strength training is one of the healthiest things...
One of the biggest questions I get from female clients is: “if i lift weights will i get bulky?” The answer is no....
Thinking of fat-loss for any beginner is terrifying. There is a huge amount of information and resources on how to burn, ...