Żyjemy w świecie, w którym dominuje praca i pośpiech. Coraz mniej czasu mamy dla siebie. Dobrze wiemy, że idąc dalej...
Up until recently, I was stuck at the same height on my box jump for about a year. And let me tell you, it was not...
Struggling to make it through the day? Hit a wall and can’t get past it? Can’t get over that 3.30itis? 10-15 minutes...
One of the most common cases I see in my practice is rounded shoulders. Rounded shoulders are very indicative of someone...
Why form and proper technique for the beginner are much more important then heavy lbs. Go in any commercial gym and what do...
Experienced burnout with your training? Who hasn’t? But you say to yourself-I train as hard as I can and do all of...
Whether for sports performance, weight loss, bodybuilding, or just to look good, the barbell squats are often assumed to be...
We have all heard about training split and changing which days we do what. But for some clients it’s a little confusing...
Hey team, How many of you are avid weight trainers? Cardio bunnies? If weightlifting is not a part of your weekly exercise...