How much do Mixed Martial Arts athletes train? An individual training for sport needs to train specifically for that...
O HIIT Club tem como metodologia inserir em todos os seus alunos independente da idade, o treinamento de alta intensidade...
Running is one of the best aerobic exercises for physical conditioning of your heart and lungs. Studies have shown the...
In general, endurance athletes put resistance training on the back burner. It makes sense at first glance. The SAID...
Ladies, I get it! The weights room is a scary place for a multitude of reasons and you don’t want to lift weights....
One of the biggest lessons I teach as a coach is that strength is a fitness skill that must be practiced and that it is...
Your workout is nothing without time under tension. In the simplest terms, it is the duration of time during a repetition...
Throw a metaphorical dart through the internet, and you’ll come across a marathon training plan. Training Plan...
We all have goals, how we choose to take them on determines everything about that goal. Our choices determine length of...