We typically recommend that clients workout 2-3 times a week with us and a couple of times on their own – to get in...
Hypothyroidism I was diagnosed with this condition at the age of 20. Since then, I have met what feels like hundreds of...
A lot of people are confused between good and bad cholesterol. Just like the word “Fat,” people hear it, and...
Living other peoples life, goals, ideas, and dreams is an easy trap to fall into, and I’ve learned the hard way to...
“Dad Bod” is a term that is trending all over the world, and seems to be causing quite a stir with men over the age of...
Most people know to set goals for themselves, but they underestimate the amount of action it takes to get there&;...
How to save BIG TIME on fat loss surgery, years of medications, coolsculpting, creams, shrink wraps, MLM and booty...
When you start your fitness journey, the whole fitness industry may seem confusing — even a little scary. So many...
Having trouble committing to a change when it comes to health and fitness? This article breaks down the best 10 ways to...