It’s no secret that every year, millions of people embark on a journey to get healthier. What’s often, ...
Daffodils are one of the first flowers to welcome us to Spring and remind us winter is nearing its conclusion. We are...
What is the first thing you think you need to get started on your fitness journey? A new pair of shoes, a brand new workout...
Stop focusing on the scale. It is hurting you! Scales are taking the fun away from training. Training should be what...
As a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, I have seen the rewards of what I do in my career in the fitness...
In part one of this article, I talked about the importance of gut health, which is vastly different than having a “fit”...
Unfortunately, the nature of human life is that our blood pressure tends to go up as we age. Even more worrying is the fact...
NO GUTS, NO GLORY. No, this isn’t a pep talk about the courage to get in shape. This is a “pepsin” talk for people,...
I know that after I had my daughter via unplanned c-section, I was itching to get back into the gym by the end of week 2 of...