So often we get stagnated in the very planning of a fitness goal- how do I proceed and progress? What is the best way? For...
Choosing to lose 8 kilograms is a very reasonable and realistic goal. Is it easy? – No. Is it doable? – Yes....
As kids, whether you were active and into sports or not, we all had to participate in gym class. As we get older, physical...
4 strategies to maximize metabolism and be healthy! Defining Metabolism Metabolism is the chemical process that occurs in...
Motivation can be a big reason many people fail to make it to the gym. Here are 7 tips to develop a fitness habit! Many...
Summer is here and if you haven’t already, it is time to lose some extra pounds. Pounds that you’ve probably...
Before you lace up those sneakers, take a read at some of the common mistakes all endurance athletes have made. Forrest...
Take a minute and stop what you are doing. Feel the movement around and inside yourself. What is movement? This word...
Here are tips for women over 40 who want to stay in shape or improve it! 1. Find something that works for you There is...