What do we need to do to keep a healthy body anyway? Here are 3 rules to base your fitness and nutrition plan on. 1. Be...
What is gratitude and why is it important? Gratitude is simply the quality of being thankful and appreciative for...
My job is essentially a sales position. Everyday, I am selling health and wellness to as many people as possible. But this...
1. Stay Inspired When I am working with coaching clients, I call it the crystal ball moment: Moment 1 If I stop my eating...
Life is busy, and when it’s a case of juggling work, family, friends, other hobbies, it’s pretty common for a workout...
Can you change your thinking? You know what health professionals say: New Year, new you, but isn’t that an extremely...
I’ll cut to the chase. The answer is “Yes, you can still get shredded this summer. ” But it raises the summer: ...
I am going to be honest with you, I have been tempted to post a progress photo of myself for the last three months or so....
We all want to obtain something of high quality, and we all know that it takes a lot of work. Obtaining our dream physique,...