Say you were to ask everyone in the gym what their goal was? I think we can all agree “to lose some weight” would be...
We made it! We finally got to 2021 and say buh-bye to 2020. Now that we’ve begun a new day, a new month, a new year,...
The three biggest topics of discussion regarding fitness that I overhear or take part in are training, food and. ...
Do you find yourself relying on the scale too much? Are you getting frustrated because the scale is not moving but you&;...
I thank you for visiting this page. You are reading the very first blog post that I have written on Trainerize and wanted...
Using the 5 W’s for setting S.M.A.R.T.R goals Goal setting is not easy, it takes some deep thought and questions to know...
For years holistic health practitioners have touted the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, and the positive effects...
You know how this goes. Every year thousands of people make New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight. Maybe you’ve been...
A common behavior as the new year gets closer is to start thinking about those goals or resolutions that you would like to...