You may have heard that cutting calories is one way to lose weight, but one must be careful, lest they cut too many...
I hear this from time to time from people who have failed to lose weight and they think because they failed before they...
To truly achieve a sustainable lifestyle, you have to seek health. Not weight-loss. Beginning a journey into your health,...
The quick and easy answer is: absolutely not. Does coach Kyle owner of Perry’s Power Fitness use or recommend...
I’m not advocating drinking to excess. But we are approaching winter holidays and holiday parties, New Years, New Year�...
Very simple answer – yes. Do I recommend it? That is a different answer altogether. I do tell my clients to be as...
Same gal, same bikini, new mindset and attitude towards food and exercise. These photos are exactly 2 years apart: Sept...
Every. Single. Day. We hear about the latest and greatest craze in fitness. And most of it is absolute baloney. There is no...
Ever start dieting and instantly fail due to constricted time? Everyone says that it is just an excuse to run out of time....