What is the Ketogenic diet? If you’ve been paying any attention to the current diet trends, you’ve probably heard of...
A popular notion to lose weight is to switch to a low-carbohydrate diet. Sure, this can aid in weight loss, but it is not...
The hidden benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. Are you tired of struggling to lose weight? Maybe you’ve tried some fad...
Is your body ready to diet? As a coach, I hear common trends with people who want to change their body composition and...
Why do most diets fail? Research shows that regular dieting is a waste of time and energy. Don’t believe me? Read on...
Initially, when we begin a dieting process, we should aim to start on a relatively high number of calories. Here’s...
Here’s the skinny on carbs (see what I did there =D) they are not the devil. Here’s how eating carbs can actually...
Here’s why I stopped counting calories and what I started doing instead. Read on! My calorie-counting habits...
About once a week my boyfriend and I sit down to watch movies and munch on a glorious pile of “bad” food. We...