In today’s day an age, everything is going digital, from grocery shopping to paying bills and everything in between. If...
Imagine you are looking for a personal trainer in your area. You find one that is a good fit for what you want to achieve...
Here are the 10 reasons you need a Personal Trainer: 1. Knowledgeable We not only have the book knowledge of what we do,...
So you made the decision to start to exercise and purchase a gym membership or you decide to work out from home and follow...
There is a lot of noise in the Fitness industry and it can be overwhelming taking in the abundance of information that is...
Hello my fitness peeps, I want to go over something that’s so small, yet many people over think it. If you have never...
“My sister’s wedding is on in March and I want to lose 5kg by then”, ” Can I lose 10kg in 4?, &...
As an active duty service member, I have often heard the phrase “Brilliance in the basics”. This concept is so overtly...
I’ve been training Nerie for about six months now – completely online. She has made so much progress without...