Personal Training is probably the most fulfilling “job” I could ever dream of. Please do yourself a favor and help me...
Let me tell you, you need a coach! I know you probably think, I don’t need a coach. I can eat healthy and workout on...
The mindset shift that will change your life! In a world with the information at our finger tips there is plenty of info...
For way less than the cost of a personal trainer in your local gym you can become an online coaching client. I’m...
What does the term group training make you imagine? For some it’s the idea of 30 PLUS people crammed into a space...
This article talks about the importance of the client engagement. Let’s be honest. As coaches, we are not doing our...
In today’s post I talk about getting started with fitness: how I first started to become interested in fitness leading to...
Meet Joel Cruz (Coach Jayc) with his special approach to fitness! My name is Joel Cruz (Coach Jayc), and I’m a ACE...
This is a life story of what I’ve been through and what got me into coaching. It’s long, but it is worth the...