Here are the 10 reasons you need a Personal Trainer: 1. Knowledgeable We not only have the book knowledge of what we do,...
So you made the decision to start to exercise and purchase a gym membership or you decide to work out from home and follow...
There is a lot of noise in the Fitness industry and it can be overwhelming taking in the abundance of information that is...
Hello my fitness peeps, I want to go over something that’s so small, yet many people over think it. If you have never...
“My sister’s wedding is on in March and I want to lose 5kg by then”, ” Can I lose 10kg in 4?, &...
As an active duty service member, I have often heard the phrase “Brilliance in the basics”. This concept is so overtly...
I’ve been training Nerie for about six months now – completely online. She has made so much progress without...
Do you ever find yourself in the situation where you have an abundance of potential clients and plenty of prospects that...
Personal Training is probably the most fulfilling “job” I could ever dream of. Please do yourself a favor and help me...