Kasheta BodyFit is launching our first online fitness program after spending a year creating something we could be proud to...
Ready to join a gym? READ THIS FIRST. It will save you a lot of money, time and hassle. First of all, congratulations on...
The custom 12 week workout program consists of a 2-3 part workout plan, changing your workout every 4-6 weeks so that your...
Growing up I had no idea how to be healthy. My parents had no clue what eating healthy really was. I am the youngest of 6...
You are skeptical about this new online personal training idea. Well, we’re here to tell you that the benefits of an...
I get it. I’m a trainer! Of course it’s easy for me to preach about the right decisions and how easy it should...
A Trainer’s Day: It’s 4:15 am and the first chime of my alarm goes off. When a trainer’s day starts. Snooze 4...
I read something today that got my back up, about Personal Trainers who should be in great shape, as they are supposed role...
Who claps for you when you win? Who is the 1st person you call with great news? Successes and team victories? During...