Who claps for you when you win? Who is the 1st person you call with great news? Successes and team victories? During...
When coaching, you are often placed into a position where you are trying to get that 110% from an athlete, client, team,...
I looked at myself in the mirror and disapeared when I turned to the side (except for my disproportionately large head, but...
Getting started with your fitness journey is like eating an elephant. For some it may seem the task is to much,...
The mind is the driver to everything we do as humans. As humans, we move away from pain and toward pleasure. As personal...
Congratulations! You’ve taken the first of many steps towards a healthier lifestyle by choosing to take part in...
Global TV recently reported on a personal training duo being sued for non-receipt of services and falsified qualifications....
There are many reasons that one might want to use a personal trainer, but all of them include making that commitment and...
If you have not noticed yet, personal training has taken a surprising turn to online. It makes sense; just about everything...