Life Isn’t Complicated. We Are. My main goal here is, to be honest with you all and share the knowledge I’ve...
Did you know our brain consumes 20 to 30% of your energy and 20% of the oxygen and blood flow of your body? A healthier...
If you want to start exercising on a regular basis, but still find excuses, here are 5 exercise benefits that could help...
Take a trip down memory lane and think about your mom telling you to stand up straight. How annoyed were you? Did you...
Discipline. When we hear the word Discipline, we think of Marines marching in formation in perfect cadence. We think of...
Have you ever wondered why you’re not achieving what you may have sought out to achieve? You had a thought and it sounded...
Motivation can come from a negative or positive place. Maybe you mainly beat yourself up about how you look. You feel...
Do you ever feel like some days you are 100% committed to your goals? The fire is burning so red hot under your butt that...
Athletes achieve fitness development because the time they put into their exercise with their personal trainers &...