Rest Such a great word. When I hear this word or see it in print, my body has this instantaneous reaction where I just let...
Setting a goal or resolution is the most important step in evaluating your healthy living plan and I felt as if it was a...
This is for anyone who is feeling frustrated with their progress – anyone who is questioning the process and feeling...
A really good time management tool is to learn to be cool by saying no to others. It really does give you a lot more power...
Finding your why You may or may not be familiar with the notion of “finding your why”. It is a motivational method used...
There are many things our bodies do automatically or involuntarily. For example, our heart beats on its own. We don’t...
Changing the Narrative I really enjoyed the most recent episode of the 18 strong podcast with coaches Gary Nichol and Karl...
Master this breathing technique to unlock your body and enhance your overall wellbeing We all breathe. But the problem is,...
Exercise has a positive impact on the mind It’s important to understand that regular exercise will not only produce a...