Set your goal and reach it with proven practics!
1. Respect The Grind
Everyday counts towards your end result and reaching the goal
Let me put it like this, you have to build a 50ft wall of bricks, it appears near impossible looking at it from that magnitude. However, downsize it, take it brick by brick and it will soon form.
This is how you must approach your goals, take each day as a step towards your goal, and enjoy the process. When you learn to enjoy it, you begin to see the little achievements along the way. If you keep looking for the end result, you get blinded by the amount of work you have to do and end up quitting.
2. Habits
We become what we repeatedly do
Whenever you strive towards doing something, achieving a fitness goal, quitting smoking or climbing Mount Everest, you are thinking of deviating from your normal day to day life. You are physically and mentally changing your habits, and guess what. Your body, brain and even the people around you to and extent don’t like that. You have to remember that we are habitual creatures, we don’t like change.
When was the last time you ever thought about brushing your teeth in the morning?
You don’t think, you just do, and that is a habit.
So think of your goal, what habits could you add to your life on a day to day basis that will have a positive impact in helping you to achieve your goal? Write them down, stick them somewhere in your room, on your mirror, in your wallet and do them every day until it becomes second nature.
I used to hate mornings, I would get to work and be in a grump until mid day before I felt ok. I was unproductive, lazy and miserable. So, I made a change in my habits. Instead of waking up and going on Facebook, looking at the world moan, I now wake up and just say yes! Literally just the word. It’s the first thing that comes into my head now when I wake up. Just the word yes, it oozes positivity. Yes to the world, yes to work, yes to starting the day. It made me see things more positive and I now look forward to getting up and starting the day earlier… Try it.
3. Understand Failure
Failure is the opportunity to begin again only this time more wisely
Most people in life are so terrified of failure that they don’t even try. That honestly amazes me.
Picture this: You have a child, its sports day, and they are entered into the 100 metre sprint race, however last minute he/she comes up to you and says I don’t want to take part encase I lose….
What do you say? Would you say don’t bother trying then, throw in the towel?
I should hope not! So why do we do it to ourselves on a day to day bases?
We need to fail in order to succeed in the future, start seeing it as another stepping stone toward your end result. At least try. When people say they can’t do something it implies they are not willing to because they fear failure. Trying implies you are willing to accept failure. When you are willing to fail, you are willing to learn. And if you are willing to learn you will grow.
So set your goals, take each day as it comes, and embrace the wisdom you gain from failures along the way.