I’ve been reflecting lately on lifestyle and goals. Specifically what I’ve done in the past to arrive at where I am today. And what I need to do to lead me in the direction of the future I desire.
Below are a few tips I’ve learned over the years:
Giving up on your goal is like giving up on yourself
You’re worth much more than that!! Working consistently towards a goal is tough & often lonely, but it teaches you to value yourself, it helps grow self-worth & when you actually nail that goal, well there is nothing that comes close to that feeling!!
Not everything you do will work, and that’s ok
Having a goal is about learning & growing rather than doing everything perfectly the first time. It’s more important you do something even if it’s ‘wrong’ than do nothing at all.
It’s important to constantly re-evaluate & adjust where needed
There isn’t only 1 ‘right way’, but staying stuck in a rut doing the same thing over & over will not ever give long term results. We all grow & change so what worked 3yrs ago will probably not give you the same results today.
Be open to new ideas
However, before you jump into the latest & greatest new fad, evaluate your own journey & how it fits into what you have learned about yourself, what you need & what your goals are. It’s all too easy to become wrapped up in the hype & excitement & before you know it you’re off track.
Everything takes patience, consistency & perseverance, always prioritizing yourself and your goal
Nothing happens overnight, in 1 week or even 1 month. Be prepared to stick it out for a long time – even much longer than you initially thought. A goal is a lifestyle, working towards a goal becomes a part of who you are. For example, a fit, healthy person doesn’t regularly eat takeaway, spend the night on the town & skips workouts, rather a fit healthy person consistently prepares nutritious meals, sleeps regular hours so they are recovered & ready for a solid exercise session.
Melinda from Train Like A Girl