Nutrition How Important is Nutrition, Really?

Understanding the Role of Nutrition in Fitness

There are so many ideas out there about nutrition and what diet is the best for weight loss, strength gain, and ‘toning’. Is there really a diet that is THE BEST? Is nutrition really a big deal when it comes to long-term fitness goals?

This article will talk about the misconception surrounding diets and give tips on how to improve overall fitness.

The Misconception of the “Best” Diet for Weight Loss

Many people claim that the diet they follow will be the best for weight loss. They promote all of the benefits and say that it will happen in a short amount of time. In reality, no one diet is better for weight loss. There are elements of every diet that can help decrease water weight initially, thus, seeing a difference with the number on the scale, however, the problem is that most of these diets are not sustainable and after initial weight loss, there is a plateau that is difficult to overcome.

The Truth About Low Carb, Low Fat Diets

Multiple diets will claim that following a low carb, low fat plan will drop weight quickly. A better perspective to have regarding a good diet is to practice moderation and to know that higher protein diets have been shown to have better metabolic outcomes. When you start to look into improving nutrition, focus on portion sizes and increasing protein intake. Carbs and fat are not ‘bad’, they have their place, but overindulging in some parts of a diet is what could be contributing to fast weight gain.

The Power of Protein in Your Diet

While protein is important for metabolic reasons, it can also impact muscle maintenance. Protein helps to maintain lean body mass and to pair protein with exercise will make it even more powerful to the body. Strength training is the exercise to do to maintain the lean body mass. Combining the consumption of protein and incorporating strength training into daily living will not only positively impact metabolism but it will help keep you strong, healthy and have the body composition that will provide the most benefits.

The 70/30 Rule: Nutrition vs. Exercise in Weight Loss

Something else to keep in mind is that exercise only impacts about 30% of weight loss meaning that nutrition impacting the other 70% will be the more determining factor in weight loss.


As you keep these tips in mind, you may find that the impact they have on your fitness is improved.

Author: Reese Couch, Personal Trainer

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