ExerciseLifestyle How To Get More Movement In Your Day

more movement

Simple ways to move more through your day

Sometimes getting an hour workout or even a 20 minute workout in can be challenging. Here are some ways to get more movement throughout your day!

  1. Walking – Getting more steps in is a great way to increase physical activity! I aim for at least 6,000 steps which is roughly 60 minutes of walking. To get more steps in, you can take the stairs, park further way, walk while you’re talking on the phone, or walk after a meal. I find a step goal helps motivate me and my clients to move more. You can track your steps using your phone or fitness tracker!
  2. Scheduling reminders to move – Working at your desk means a lot of sitting. Set alarms throughout the day to remind you to move. You can walk, stretch, or do a few bodyweight exercises. You can even have your coworkers join you! If you have a standing desk, switch from sitting to standing throughout your day.
  3. Quick workout – A short workout is better than no workout. Go for a walk or do a 5-15 minute exercise circuit or stretch during your lunch break! You can even move or stretch while watching TV.
  4. Accountability buddy – Whether it’s your friend or family member, having someone to support you in your fitness journey is so important! Have them join you in a walk or workout! You can both hold each other accountable to move each day.
  5. Dancing – Turn on some music and start dancing! It’s a fun way to get active.
  6. Doing chores – Chores like sweeping, vacuuming, and gardening can add to your NEAT or Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Believe it or not, you exert energy and burn calories doing chores. If you have a fitness tracker, you can see how many steps and calories you burn from doing these activities!
  7. Recreational Activities – Hanging out in a group? Try bowling, hiking, or miniature golf. Not only do you spend time together, but you’re moving and having fun doing it!

Overall, staying active doesn’t have to take a long time or be strenuous. So there are plenty of opportunities to get more movement every day!

Move With Marie


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