ExerciseWellness Mental Health and Exercise

mental health

Mental health and exercise are not discussed enough. Exercise is powerful in reducing depression and anxiety. There are many explanations as to why exercise reduces this; some hypotheses include: release stored energy, which can reduce anxiety, creates social interactions, and improves self esteem (which is common with depression).

Below is a further list of things to do for mental health and benefits of exercise.

Get Outside:

Outdoor exercise can improve self esteem and mood and can lower tension and anger. Allowing absorption of Vitamin D can also help manage depression.

Find your community:

Exercising with friends brings positive energy and benefits and helps us connect with others while also getting social support!

Talk and Sing:

Exercise can be moderate-intensity exercise and be very beneficial. Some people may use the “talk test” to ensure your exercising at a good pace. If you are able to talk in a short sentences, but cant sing a song, you are likely at the right intensity.


Meditation can improve several aspects of life and meditators often report an overall improved sense of well-being and lower levels of stress. It also can let your heartbeat and breathing rates slow down, blood lactate levels drop (which can typically rise with stress,) and have your brain at a more relaxed state, which helps you be present in the moment.

Your mental health can take a toll on your mind, body, and health goals you may have for yourself if you do not have the tools or social supports that are needed. If you feel your mental health may have a grasp on you and your health goals, lets chat and see how we can overcome those barriers. This article describes a few ways to overcome your mental health, but having a person of support and motivation can also play a large role in achieving your goals!

Pure Knox Fitness

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