Motivation Tips
Hey everyone, Danny here from TeamRouse Fitness! I just wanted to share a few tips on how to keep your motivation.
Because we all have been there, haven’t we?
“It’s been a long day at work”
“The kids have been an absolute nightmare'”
“Something has come up”
The list goes on…
However, let’s look it at another way:
There are 24 hours in the day, can I have 1 of those?
So typically my sessions last anything from 45 mins to an hour. As Floyd Mayweather Jr said ‘there are 24 hours in a day and we spend 8 of those sleeping and another 8 working’. Sadly there isn’t enough hours in the day to get everything done but spend one hour doing some sort of physical activity, log it in the Trainerize app and you will be pleasantly surprised on how good you will feel (endorphins my friends, endorphins).
Stop looking at the bigger picture:
Right, hear me out. During my consultations, I commonly hear that the prospective client loses focus when they lose weight but it’s not enough to fit back into those jeans or dress. By setting small immediate goals and targets, we can keep everyone accountable and motivated. Even better, the more weekly targets and goals you achieve, the quicker you are to your long term. It’s like the last 10 mins before the end of the shift, looking at the clock won’t make it go any faster so use that small bit of time to be productive.
It’s ok to get it wrong sometimes:
Honestly, it’s fine. I’m personally a firm believer of taking positives from slip-ups, it’s how we learn. And when slip-ups happen, it’s back to the drawing board to see how we can decrease the amount of them happening again. Trust me, later on down the line. We will laugh about this!
I WANT to train, I don’t NEED to train:
Unless you are on strict orders from your doctor/physician, do you remember when you had your consultation with a coach or walked into the gym the first time? Pretty nervous time right? But you did it because you WANTED to make a change for yourself, and good for you! But never feel anxious or pressured to train every day, it just doesn’t work. Exercise is meant to be fun, not a chore. Life happens, and fitness is supposed to complement your lifestyle, not invade it.
So just a few tidbits, hope it helps you with your motivation. And who knows, if you still need that extra push, get in contact with me.
I could be that missing piece in the fitness puzzle you were looking for…
Anyway, I’m off to train some awesome clients (it’s WoD at the time of typing this)!
Have a great day!