Lifestyle New Year, New You! But How?!

New Year New You

New Year, New You! Right?! But How exactly are you supposed to start crafting this brand new “You”? Social Media will overwhelm you with the all new fad diet that will transform you just in time for summer along with the perfect workout. But what if part of the “New You” is that you don’t just worry about bikini season?

Fad diets are…well fads. They often work quickly but leave you hungry and hangry. So this year lets resolve so start implementing small, sustainable habits in 2024.

Step 1: Grab a Notebook and a Pen (or your phone). Make a list of your fitness goals and being narrowing them down to just 1 specific goal. Make it S.M.A.R.T. ( Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time specific)

Step 2: Work Backwards. Now that you have your goal, you can start to figure out how long it will realistically take you to get there without misery. Break that time frame down into chunks (weeks, months) and set smaller goals that will help you get there. Now you have a road map!

Step 3: Plan your daily “Musts”. 3 daily tasks you HAVE to do everyday to stay on track. Generally I suggest: (1) Walk 7K – 10K Steps, (2) Drink 1/2 your body weight in water, (3) Eat veggies at every meal. Feel free to change these up or even add a couple… but no more than 5 items. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves!

Step 4: Focus on Consistency. You may miss a few days – things are bound to happen (sick kids, you’re sick, events, vacations, injuries, etc.) We’re not aiming for perfection, we’re aiming for progress. You should be meeting your daily “musts” 5/7 days and any other preferred tasks 4/7 days. Track your consistency on a calendar, in an app, or using a habit tracker.

Step 5: Don’t change Anything for at least 4 weeks! That’s right! It’s common to panic or question the process but don’t waiver! It takes time for the body to adapt to change so be patient and trust the process.

This year you won’t rush things. This year you’ll look for lasting change so that next year you don’t need a new “you” by bikini season.

Ready? Set? GO!

Jessica Kimmons CPT

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