Online personal training can be completed anywhere and anytime
The Pandemic has changed many people’s lives and how they get active and stay fit is one of them. Gyms are not operating at their full potential. Many are closing due to the pandemic stress it has on all people around the world. So, how can we stay active and live a healthy and happy lifestyle during these times?
Working out at home with an online personal trainer is one amazing way I highly recommend individuals who are apparently healthy and/or have medical control diseases. Obesity is constantly rising and has been for years. People need workout plans and motivation to help them stay consistent with their health goals.
Online personal training is trending!
Online personal training is affordable, easy to use, very convenient, and offers accountability and support for individuals. The number one benefit is individuals are getting the results they want and achieving their health and fitness goals.
Workouts can be completed anywhere and anytime
As creator of Be Happy Lifestyle, LLC, we offer customized workout plans tailored to individuals goals. Individuals are able to track their progress and use in-app videos that explain the movement needed to complete each exercise in each workout phase. You no longer need to spend several hours at the gym to get the body you want.
Individuals who use the high intensity interval training method get the results they need in a shorter amount of time than spending several hours working out at a gym. The benefits of high intensity interval training are rewarding for most people.
Some of the benefits associated with high intensity interval training are: burn calories, lose fat, gain muscle, boost metabolism, strengthen heart, lower blood pressure, higher human growth hormones, regulate blood glucose, and do not take a long time to complete the workout itself.
Ease depression and other mental health issues also can benefit from a well-rounded planned workout regime. High intensity interval training takes less than 20 minutes and can fit into anyone’s busy schedule. Important tips for HIIT are to start slow, complete a warm up and cool down for each workout. And always listen to your body.
So what is your FITT principle?
FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type of an individual’s workout.
The principle is used to allow individuals to create a smart goal-oriented workout regime. This principle makes sure the individual is aware of what they should be doing in their workout. When it comes to listening to the body, the intensity of the workout plays a major role on how hard someone is working out.
Individuals can measure their workout intensity by using the rate of perceived effort scales, also known as RPE scale. The scale can be used to rank how someone is feeling based on their feedback from their breathing, muscle fatigue and heart rate during a workout regime. Since cellular devices are a common thing these days, measuring your step counts and heart rate on your device could not be more common than ever now.
As a certified Exercise Physiologist from The American College of Sports Medicine, recommendations for individuals are to complete cardio at least three times per week, resistance training at least two times per week, and flexibility training daily!
The main goal is to commit to at least one act of active living a day to take control over our health and live longer and happier.
Be Happy Lifestyle, LLC
Sources and Links
“Trending Topic: Physical Activity Guidelines.” Physical Activity Guidelines Resources, www.acsm.org/read-research/trending-topics-resource-pages/physical-activity-guidelines.