Identifying Limiting Beliefs for Weight Loss Success When we work toward weight loss goals, we often focus only on what we...
Identifying Limiting Beliefs for Weight Loss Success When we work toward weight loss goals, we often focus only on what we...
Who said running is a punishment? I’ve heard it. You’ve heard it. Can we please ditch that tired narrative? Here’s...
Protein, protein, protein! We all speak about protein and how much we should have daily. But no one ever really talks about...
Transitioning slowly into new habits really is the key to long term success. Going into things head first can often lead...
The Importance of Muscle Recovery for Hypertrophy As a personal trainer, one of the most common questions I get asked is, &...
There’s something about hitting your 40s that brings clarity. Like finally putting on glasses after squinting for years....
The scientific definition of Powerpenia is as follows: Powerpenia refers to the loss of muscular power, which is different...
Life can get hectic, and finding time for exercise might feel impossible. But here’s the good news: staying active’...
Incorporating adequate protein into every meal is essential for muscle growth, fat loss, and overall health. Whether you�...
Let me open with this – I am going to reference pain a lot here so lets make some important distinctions. Pain should...
Integrating Strength Training Into Your Daily Life What’s the point of strength training if you’re already...
30-Minute Workouts That Deliver Results As a personal trainer approaching 50, I’ve learned the importance of making...