Despite countless studies and athletes proving the contrary many athletes and coaches still have negative views on weight...
Despite countless studies and athletes proving the contrary many athletes and coaches still have negative views on weight...
Athletes achieve fitness development because the time they put into their exercise with their personal trainers &...
It is important not to go all the way, but to “keep” a few repetitions. Make sure you feel you could have done...
Pushing the boundaries and stepping outside our comfort zone. This is the step where I want a leap of faith, by doing...
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become increasingly popular in recent years, and with good reason. Scientific...
With our ever-stressed, fast-paced lifestyles, our bodies are pumping out cortisol almost constantly. This can wreak havoc...
The first meal of the day is the most important meal of the day. But is it really when it comes to fat loss? Despite the...
Making one change at a time. It is too easy to want to go from one extreme to another. Example: going from no training to...
What happens a lot nowadays is that we tend to focus on what we can’t control rather than focusing on what we can. ...
The first thing is first. Let’s create awareness. What if I told you that losing weight, getting fit and or getting...
Peaking the body to be aesthetically pleasing for a bodybuilding show, photoshoot, or even for vacation is all the same. It...
Year after year, we face the same vicious cycles during the holiday season. You get busier. The days get shorter. You...