Business trips can be interesting occasionally, and also tiring at times. Because of my fitness background, however, being...
Business trips can be interesting occasionally, and also tiring at times. Because of my fitness background, however, being...
It’s not newsworthy that most Americans wait until the start of the New Year to begin an exercise program and that by the...
Take a trip down memory lane and think about your mom telling you to stand up straight. How annoyed were you? Did you...
Slow Metabolism is a Myth. If you want to lose weight increase your NEAT. How many times have you or someone you know,...
1. Time spent at the gym This might be the biggest thing that has helped me in my first year as a personal trainer. When...
Do you ever notice that one side of your body is stronger than the other? What about flexibility and power, does that vary...
Did you know that 56% of women say they are dissatisfied with their overall appearance and 89% of women want to lose? ...
You’re finally in a routine and have been exercising more than ever before, but you’re noticing one thing: you’re not...
Getting healthy isn’t about quick fixes or completely eliminating certain foods from your diet. Eating healthy is a...
We aren’t born with a limitless supply of self-confidence. People that seem to have a high level of confidence have...
When you first walked into the gym, your goal was most likely to lose weight and/or gain muscle strength. Even if it was...
Is being quick necessary for a healthy pain-free body? Frankly? Yes. We have 3 different types of muscle fibers and 2 of...