It’s tasty Tuesday and my favorite fruit snack is: Blueberries, Strawberries & walnuts all mixed together with a...
It’s tasty Tuesday and my favorite fruit snack is: Blueberries, Strawberries & walnuts all mixed together with a...
Why SMART goal setting is important When you have made the decision to start down the road to “getting back in shape&...
We all know that sustaining results is not easy and that we have to develop the right habits over a long period of time�...
At some point in our lives every single one of us will experience back pain. Nine times out of ten, it will just ‘GO&...
So many people, and I’ve seen this with a lot of my clients too, are so motivated when they start exercising and never...
Days pass. Weeks, months, even years. It all seems to just pass by. You get out of the shower one day and for some reason...
The best personal trainers are also life coaches; So we will listen, digest, and ask questions about your health, mindset,...
We’ve all heard from a young age that sleep is an indispensable optimal health and wellness tool. Sleep deprivation...
This article is about tired lines that gyms and/or personal trainers hear every January, and what you can to do instead�...
Up until recently, I was stuck at the same height on my box jump for about a year. And let me tell you, it was not...
Struggling to make it through the day? Hit a wall and can’t get past it? Can’t get over that 3.30itis? 10-15 minutes...
Look Good Feel Good – Build Muscle and Lose Fat Through Resistance Training. Studies show that for adults a key...