How to get over IF ONLY I HAD TIME excuse! “I want to lose weight, but I work forty hours a week.” “I&...
How to get over IF ONLY I HAD TIME excuse! “I want to lose weight, but I work forty hours a week.” “I&...
You know the feeling, you wake up the day after a workout and you struggle to get yourself out of bed you, getting off the...
If you are perimenopausal or menopausal you have seen the effects of what low estrogen levels can do to your body and....
When you are trying to lose weight and gain health, it is sometimes difficult to get started. With any structure,...
Les dejo acá un poco de mi historia con el ejercicio, para que vos sepas que no estás sola. Que el camino puede ser dif�...
Nunca es fácil escuchar los mil consejos de la gente sobre cómo bajar de peso “Dejá las harinas y listo” “Dejá...
Here are 11 tips on how to stay healthy during the silly season! Seduced by the twinkling lights and celebratory spirit, it...
What keeps you going beyond vanity metrics? I frequently get asked “what are you training for?”, “when&...
Most women working towards a weight loss goal have no trouble remembering to check their weight on the scales and their...
When I was 19 years old I realized I had made the worst personal decisions thus far in my life. I was in college studying...
How do we get rid of our bad habits? Did you know that who you are depends largely on your routines and behaviors that you...
Getting my personal trainer certificate was a roller coaster of situations. When I first bought the material to study to...