Do you even lift? Is lifting for women? Does strength training benefit weight loss? If you answered “no” to any of...
Do you even lift? Is lifting for women? Does strength training benefit weight loss? If you answered “no” to any of...
A Genuine Tabata Workout Tabata workout is very hard, very intense HIIT training. It lasts only 4 minutes, but it will make...
Today, I have appetite for something sweet and nutritious at the same time. Thus, I have prepared delicious, dietary...
The reason you read so many different and contradicting advice about diet, health and fitness is because your body is...
The Role of Water in your Body Water is needed on a regular and constant basis to support all the metabolic reactions that...
Although most people only enjoy cranberries during the holiday season, this super food can provide an abundance of anti...
The Importance of Hydration Water is not a macronutrient, but like a macronutrient, you still need a lot of it for a lot...
The typical human form is capable of achieving a number of incredible feats that seem to suspend or defy the way science...
Please don’t buy into the cultural idea that “working out” is something miserable you’re obligated to white knuckle...
Nutrition I meet with many clients who need advice on nutrition–how much to eat, what to eat, when to eat, etc. When I...
How would you like to feel full of energy every day? Well you can, and here’s how to achieve it. For those that...
A lot of people think that squatting helps build and strengthen the core. I don’t fully subscribe to that notion., ...