Exercise Re-Imagine Your Approach to Fitness: A Body Carefully Crafted by Nature

approach to fitness

. It’s time to re-imagine our approach to fitness to align with our inherent physiological design!

Our Ancestors never “exercised.” Why?

In the vast panorama of human evolution, our muscles and anatomy have been meticulously shaped by nature. Not through isolated workouts or by targeting singular muscle groups, but through the necessity of performing complex, integrated functional movement patterns. Our ancestors survived by engaging their entire bodies in dynamic and coordinated movements. It’s time we take a step back to understand the intricate symphony our bodies have been designed to perform. It’s time to re-imagine our approach to fitness to align with our inherent physiological design.

When our ancestors roamed the earth, they weren’t focused on lifting weights or isolating specific muscles. Their daily activities—whether running to escape predators, hunting for food, or gathering supplies—required them to use every muscle in their body simultaneously. These actions formed a seamless flow of balance, strength, and mobility, with different muscle groups working together in harmony to ensure survival.

Consider this: when you’re running, it’s not just your legs propelling you forward. Your core stabilizes your body, your arms swing in rhythm with your legs, and your cardiovascular system works overtime to supply oxygen and energy. The same goes for when our ancestors hunted or gathered. Their bodies twisted, turned, reached, and lunged in fluid motions, activating a full spectrum of muscle groups simultaneously. These natural movements, honed over thousands of years of evolution, reflect the body’s inherent design. A design that modern fitness routines often overlook.

Understanding this holistic perspective on movement is the foundation of our award-winning functional training system.

We believe in training that leverages multiple lines of muscle connection—integrating the body as a whole—rather than isolating muscles through repetitive exercises like traditional weightlifting. Our progressive approach doesn’t just replicate our natural movement patterns; it enhances them, leading to greater functional strength and performance, whether you’re an elite athlete or someone striving for a healthier, more active life.

The brilliance of this system lies in its real-world application. Functional training strengthens your body in a way that directly supports the demands of daily life. You become more balanced, stronger, and efficient in everyday activities, whether that’s lifting groceries, running with your kids, or playing sports. By focusing on natural, multi-dimensional movements, you also avoid the strain and joint friction commonly associated with isolated muscle exercises. This significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Our functional training system is not just about building individual muscles; it’s about cultivating a body that moves with grace, power, and efficiency. Just as nature intended. By blending ancient wisdom with modern science, we create a fitness regimen that’s innovative and progressive while embracing a holistic view of health.

Take a journey back to our roots, rediscover the true potential of your body, and explore our award-winning programs. You’re not just building strength—you’re cultivating a lifestyle that is as progressive and sustainable as it is transformative.

Ready to take the first step?

Don’t wait, call now and embrace a new way of thinking about fitness. One that connects you with your body’s full potential and paves the way to a healthier, more active future.

By Brantley Hawkins, MS, ATC, LAT
Chief Wellness Officer
New Dimensions Wellness Club


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