LifestyleNutrition Rebounding, What You Need to Know.


12 weeks of suffering, restriction, fatigue and you’ve done it! You lost those 20lbs you promised yourself you would!


Fast forward a month and you lay on the couch, slouched having just consumed thousands of calories worth of pizza, burgers, ice cream, cookies, etc.

Why? Why do we do this?

Rebounding. That’s why. ” The quick regaining of weight after finishing a diet. It is especially common after periods of yoyo dieting or extreme calorie deficit”. 

Rebounding is the killer of many trying to get into the fitness community as seeing ALL your progress (and more) disappear in a matter of weeks is extremely discouraging for those without an understanding of why it happens, so let me help you!

As mentioned in the quote above the reason we rebound is due to yoyo dieting and extreme deficits.

Yoyo dieting: 

Yoyo dieting is the process of losing large amounts of weight in a short period of time followed by a regaining of all (often more) of the weight only to repeat the process in a vicious cycle. This is common among new year resolutioners who have big, often unrealistic goals of weight loss. Most people aren’t taught anything about weight loss except eating less = more weight loss so what’s the logical conclusion they conclude from this? Starve yourself.

This process is synonymous with extreme dieting which comes in many ways shapes and forms however it all concludes the same, rebound. So, how do we avoid this?

Before even commencing your weight loss journey you need to have set in stone goals. How much weight would you like to lose? How much time do you have? Will you be weightlifting to preserve muscle? Is it realistic in this stage of your life or would a smaller goal be more appropriate? REALLY think about it and come in with a plan.

Now that you have a plan how much do you know? Do you know how to create a calorie deficit? Do you know the different weight loss strategies and which one you’re using? It sounds complicated but trust me, it’s not! You just need to know what you’re going to do and do some light research to ensure success. Over 95% of diets fail and this failure is due to a lack of understanding the process so is it worth the time investment and a little bit of research?


No matter if you have 10lbs to lose or 100lbs if done without care and haste then chances are you will regain the vast majority if not more of the weight in rebounding. So, what can you do to prevent this?

Make your goals clear. Know exactly what it is you’re going to achieve and plan how you will do it. It will take a bit of time especially if you’re new to the process however with over 95% of diets failing, I can guarantee you that the time investment will be more than worth it.

Wish you the best (:

Your friend, Javi

Transformation for life


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