Exercise Redefining What It Means To Be An Athlete

be an athlete

What exactly pops up in your head when you think of the word “athlete”?

You are probably thinking of the powerful men and women that you see on ESPN or the Olympics.  The ones breaking world records after spending countless hours honing in on their sport of choice.

Thinking of what it means to be athletic then makes it seem like it’s unattainable to the masses.

I mean, who has the time to devote hours of their day reducing their 100m dash down by the millisecond when they can barely manage to get dinner on the table?

This is the very thought process that is giving the masses an excuse to give up on their dreams. To give up on what they could really ultimately be. Which is to be an athlete in their own right.

What exactly do I mean when I say that?  What is an athlete in its essence?

Being athletic is a lifestyle

You don’t have to plan to be in a fancy competition or compete on a competitive level.  Being athletic basically means that a person has adopted an active lifestyle and they’ve learned to prioritize health, fitness, and their own well-being.  

There is no cookie-cutter image of an athlete

Anyone can focus on their health and fitness, regardless of their age, body type and ability.  Hard work trumps natural talent every time.  It’s more about the commitment that you can make towards your goals and the mental toughness that you can bring to the table

Being athletic requires mental and emotional resilience

Training will not always go to plan.  You will not always hit your goals as planned.  Being able to remain mentally strong and resilient through such times is a big part that defines someone as being athletic.  Remember when I mentioned that being athletic is a lifestyle?  It takes a tremendous amount of mental strength to maintain the lifestyle when things are not going your way.

Athletes are role models of discipline and consistency

Yes, you instantly become a role model when you make any strides towards improved health and fitness.  You, the one sitting on your phone and reading this now.  Just like the athletes that you see on ESPN and the Olympics, just by devoting yourself to a fitness plan you become an inspiration to those around you.  You might be surprised by the impact that you could have.

You are an athlete if you devote any time to your health and fitness.  This is a wake up call to bring that to your attention.  Use this as motivation to continue on your journey and to give yourself credit for everything that you do while you’re on your health journey.

LIFT – Life Inspired Fitness Training LLC

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