You hold yourself accountable at work to your boss, your teammates and deadlines. You are held accountable by your child&...
Did you know that one in five Canadians living in Canada in 2017 suffer from some sort of mental illness? That is twenty...
There is much confusion and insecurity when it comes to the question of optimal warm up for weight training. The most...
Sadly, 90% of the people who were hoarding the treadmills are quit the gym by mid-March. Why? A lot of us have high...
With work and the kids it gets difficult to carve out some time to exercise. Or when you do finally have time you’re...
My experience with sport and physical activity has been great for as long as I can remember. I played soccer since I was a...
We are all well aware that walking is good for us. However, if you where to ask a handful of people why this is the case,...
Like Rome, body transformation doesn’t happen in a day. They take time, dedication, good systems, commitment, focus and...
This morning I saw an article titled, “Why You Should Always Do Cardio First”, and it made my blood boil. Any trainer...