We’ve all been there. Whether it’s working out after a period of absence, trying a new exercise or maybe we hit...
You know the feeling, you wake up the day after a workout and you struggle to get yourself out of bed you, getting off the...
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) – That feeling of booboo in the mooosels (muscles) that you trained a few days...
Sore muscles – Nothing to worry about as there can be many factors that can contribute to being sore after a workout....
A lot of people do cardio and strength training in the same session, which is okay if the goal is overall fat loss. The...
Let the truth be told, there are incorrect rumors going around about strength training. The truth is that strength training...
We all experienced muscle soreness. Here is how you can prevent it. PAIN IN THE NEW YEAR A New Year’s resolution is a...