Top 10 tips for starting out at the gym: Go with a friend or hire a PT to help minimise gym anxiety and learn how to...
The range of motion refers to the total distance a weight travels and whether a muscle group goes through full lengthening...
What is the most important predictor of whether or not someone who loses weight will keep it off? The answer should be no...
Just Roll with It We often do our best to avoid things that we don’t understand. The concept and appearance of foam...
At the end of this quick read, you’ll have a one-up in the fitness game. I will show examples of what Antagonist...
VO2 Max is defined as the maximum rate of oxygen consumed during incremental, intensive exercise. Mary-Anne, a 27-year-old...
As one of the Founders of J’Escapes Wellness Events and a Personal Trainer who also lives (thrives) with General Anxiety...
Back To The Gym? Training Made Simple: Quads Gyms have either started re-opening or soon will, and some of us will have...
What burns fat faster diet or exercise? 1. What burns fat faster diet or exercise? 2. What should you focus on? 3. What...