In Part 1 you learned why the commonly maligned “low-intensity” cardio is important. To recap: It can increase...
Let’s talk about how you should build a routine. You should pick an exercise, preferably a compound movement for each...
CrossFit definition: A high-intensity fitness program incorporating elements from several sports and types of exercise....
A, B, C’s of Exercise Selection This will be more of a common-sense piece, but I hope you get a little something out of;...
We aren’t all big-time athletes who need to be able to run a 40 in under 10 seconds or a marathon in under 3 hours. You...
Having a systemized process and lens in which to view movement is essential to good decision making for exercise selection....
With all my 1:1 clients and online clients, we are cracking on as normal through lockdown, we’re training on Zoom, I&...
How to spend your quaran-time? It’s no secret the COVID-19 outbreak has hit the world hard. Here in California, we&...
Stress can be an incredibly powerful drag on your fitness and your health. Study after study has found that when you are...